

What does your inner self have to do with your outer self?

This week I've been pondering the value of values, character building and other life questions. As I work through where I want to go next (having realized this week that I'm already in the middle of achieving what I set out to do this year and feeling super grateful for that), I have been thinking more about image and what it has to do with the [...]

Is Your Image Affecting Your Bottom Line?

There are a ton of studies on the correlation between attractiveness and success, most notably Chia, Grossnickle and Lee (1998), Gilbert Fiske and Lindzey (1998) and Mobius and Rosenblatt (2003). These studies and others discuss the idea of the Halo Effect, where attractive people are perceived to be more competent, more socially skilled and more intelligent and capable than their less attractive peers. In fact, [...]

The Value of Vacation

I recently read a post on the 'value of being busy' and was struck by how it still seems to apply that 'busier is better'. I for one disagree with this entirely and think that there isn't enough value placed on vacation, on daydreaming, on introversion and on just plain doing nothing! I recently had the pleasure of taking two weeks and a few days [...]

Things I Love

In this month's issue of "Inside Image", our professional association's chapter magazine, the theme was 'Things I Love'. Since I'm about to head out on vacation for two blissful weeks, I thought I'd share a few of the things I love with you and invite you to post about things you love, practical, indulgent, resplendent and otherwise. 1. I love to have unplanned time! In [...]

What’s With The Tree?

Since we've rebranded, a few of you have been wondering this and have asked how the tree became part of an image consulting company's logo. Luckily, I have this blog and can tell you the secret tale of what I like to call "treedom". When my awesome integrated marketing specialist (Allison Cousins of REX Image - woot!) was taking me through her unique brand discovery [...]

How’s Your Summer Style Shaping Up?

Summer is coming, or at least we've been told to expect warmer weather shortly. With the sun on Wednesday and the warmth today, I'm thinking we're right on track. Summer can be a tricky time for polishing your image, particularly when we're exposing more of it to the warm weather. Body image issues tend to pop up a bit more as summer comes on and [...]

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