

Make Friends With Your Inner Child

We all have an inner five-year-old who occasionally drives the bus. It's that little part of us that remains even when we've done our inner work or most of it and are generally in good control of ourselves and emotionally well regulated. The kid might be present when we notice and experience strong emotions, take an impulsive action, or simply want to run away from [...]

Coaching vs. Consulting – When and Why?

I often am asked what the difference is between coaching and consulting and here is the best explanation I’ve heard:   Coaching is helping people to find their own answers. Consulting is helping people by providing answers or advice.   The interesting thing is that what would be considered taboo in one discipline is exactly what is needed in the other. In coaching, you strictly [...]

We Are Unique, We Are Not Unique

I’ve been reflecting lately on my own professional brand, and what I want to focus on next for my audience and one of the things I’ve noticed is the paradox between the fact that we are all unique, but not unique. Everything I hear a ‘thought leader’ say, I’ve heard before, in one form or another. Everything I see in terms of memes or videos [...]

Can You Describe Yourself in Five Words or Less?

If someone were to ask you to describe yourself, could you do it in five words or less? If you can’t, chances are you’re not crystal clear on who you are and why you do what you do in this world. The advantage of having a short set of brand descriptors is that it makes it very easy to evaluate things and see whether they [...]

Women Don’t Need to Be Men

I saw a TikTok creator say this week that in order for her, as a petite blond woman, to be taken seriously, she has to do things like speak slowly, not smile, raise her chair to the highest setting at the table so she’s level with the other people, respond curtly to comments on her appearance or shock that she’s capable, and modulate her voice [...]

Sometimes It’s Okay if It Hurts

I recently sprained my ankle quite badly and the recovery, just three weeks in, is going slowly. I returned to the hospital last week, and the nurse practitioner there told me that recovery is assisted by walking on the injury, which is completely counterintuitive and contrary to our old advice of immobilize and rest. You might heal, but you’ll lose a bunch of mobility and [...]

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