Being creative in a conservative world…
I'm thinking today about honoring and expressing yourself in the midst of a work environment that has certain restrictions on what you can and cannot wear. It seems that each time I do a session for corporate folk, this question comes up and I wonder how other people do it, or if they're just stuffing themselves into suits without giving much thought to who they [...]
Holiday Panic Relieved!
Have you been trying to figure out what to do for all your holiday shopping? Is picking an outfit stressing you out? Here are the top three tips to minimize your stress as you prep for the holiday shop: 1. Have a list when you shop and make your driving or transit plans in advance. If you're doing some shopping for a holiday outfit, then [...]
Who are your best cheerleaders?
This morning one of my excellent image consultant colleagues in California, Brenda Kinsel, posted this question on Facebook and it really got me thinking. When you get started looking at your image in depth and start going for what you really want in life, it's extremely important to have great cheerleaders. Ideally, you want to have people who encourage your journey, support you in your decisions and offer [...]
Is your style really yours this fall?
As we ramp up into September you may be thinking about doing a little fall shopping to enhance your closet for school, work or personal use. Make sure that your investment is spent wisely by considering how the latest trends work for your personal style. First, let’s talk about ‘style’. Style is not dependent on the external world of fashion. A person with style is [...]
Mix and Match Magic!
Many of you have been wondering how mix and match actually works - why do some people make it look so effortless and others have trouble putting anything together unless it's all matchy-matchy (check out the prom match on the left, eek!)? Revealed today, the big secret! How you too can look awesome daily...ready...? Here it is... Match and Repeat! Yes, that's it, that's [...]
Top Closet Time Wasters and How to Avoid Them!
We all have those little black holes of time, whether it's Facebook (for 45 minutes this morning!), Candy Crush, pointless TV or just extra dawdling in the morning and sometimes the closet is one of them. Here's the top three ways to avoid having your closet time eat up your morning: 1. Decide ahead of time - even if you're not one of those people [...]