How Long Does It Take To Analyze a Wardrobe?
When people ask me this question, I inevitably use my standard answer, which is: "It depends." There are a lot of factors in play that make this process more complex than a quick sort and purge, as well as create a deeply satisfying result that goes beyond simple organization. Every individual is different and deserves a customized approach; our process is similar in each case, [...]
Barbie Makes it to the 21st Century, Sort Of.
Time has done a feature story on Mattel's attempt to model a bit more diversity in their ever-popular Barbie dolls with something Mattel is calling "Project Dawn". Full text with accompanying pictures can be found here. The article notes that this surge of interest in recreating Barbie only came when moms started voting with their dollars; driven by a slide in profitability, Mattel has been [...]
Trend Reports – Where to Look to Find the News
There are a number of good sources for trend reports you can seek out, but sometimes it's nice to have an easy list of the best to make the searching easier. Here are three of the ones we favour when doing this type of trend research. Naturally we work with our clients to source the best trends for them (if they like trends) and look [...]
Adding a Dash of Retro to Your Workwear
If you love vintage clothing and frequently wear it outside of work, but don't know how to put it into your day to day, here are three quick tips to get you started: Keep it simple. Some vintage fabrics and styles are quite out there, so sticking to solid colours and clean lines allow you to have a vintage essence while still remaining professional for [...]
Curly Girl Resources
Having a luxurious curly mane, or a fine delicate one can be a challenge, particularly if you live in Vancouver or other high humidity zones. Over the years, clients have benefited from a range of strategies for learning to love their curls and let them naturally shine. One of our favourite resources is They have a wide range of products and salons, but more [...]
Sure, but what do I wear to work?
I've been getting requests over the past few weeks to outline what constitutes a functional and enjoyable work wardrobe. Of course (as I mentioned in my last post, "It Depends") I can give general advice over the blog - the specifics for you will require a bit more info. Here is a good set of guidelines to follow when planning your ideal work wardrobe: 1. [...]