Rainy days are here again and with them comes the joy of choosing the right raincoat for you. Here are some of our best tips to help you make a good purchase for the winter weather.

  1. Fit: As always, make sure that if you’re planning to layer up, wear your layers when you’re going to purchase your raincoat. Blazers, sweaters and other pieces affect the fit of your coat in important ways. One of the most common mistakes is buying a coat two sizes too big to accommodate layering and then ending up looking sloppy. Instead, find something that works for the largest layering point and alter everything else down to fit.
  2. Function: Make sure your coat fits the bill in terms of water resistance. If you don’t carry an umbrella, or if you’re regularly in serious downpours, you’ll need a higher degree of water resistance in the fabric of your jacket and possibly a good hoot or rain hat to match. For those of us that love umbrellas (see our piece here on umbrella etiquette), we can get away with a slightly less rain resistant piece. Don’t rule out fabric coats either – though Gore-Tex and other technical fabrics are great, so is a tightly woven wool that might get damp, but will still keep you mostly warm and dry. You can also look into fabric protectors such as Scotch-Guard that will give your coats an extra layer of protection, provided that the material isn’t a loose weave that would let in water in any case.
  3. Safety: Whichever raincoat and matching pieces you choose, consider your personal safety. The boots need to have good, non-slip soles (you can add rubber to your high heeled boots at your local cobbler) and you can add invisible reflective tape to the outside of your coat so you can be seen by drivers as you cross those darker intersections.
  4. Style: Look for a piece that captures the feeling you want to have on the rainy days. It’s remarkable how a cheerful colour can make you feel happier in the rain and give you a little boost when you need it. If you’re only choosing one, then go for a piece for day to day that matches your work world so you can get the most bang for your buck. It’s easier to wear a professional raincoat on casual days than it is to dress up that super sporty one. A coat in your one of your best colours along with umbrella and boots can be just as useful as a neutral. Make sure the design elements work for you as well and that whatever you choose feels wonderful on your body and makes you want to wear it rather than suffer through something that is just okay.

Wondering how to find the best raincoat for you? We can help.