Spring Suede

Suede can be problematic for spring weather for a number of reasons, not the least of which is maintenance. Here are three things you’ll need if you love and want to wear suede:

  1. To protect it: Find a good suede protector and spray your items every few weeks – for footwear, especially in a rainy climate, you can spray as often as every three to five wears.
  2. To keep it clean: Before adding more spray, you’ll want to take care of excess dirt and any scuffs or stains. Purchase a suede brush and a suede block to keep the nap fresh and take care of any stains.
  3. Daily care: After each wearing, allow the footwear to dry (if damp) and air out for at least one day. Brush the nap with your suede brush and use the block if there are any stains that need attention. This will keep your suede clean and fresh looking longer.

For yearly cleaning of suede garments, we have a terrific cleaner right here in Vancouver, the Ace of Suedes and a great cobbler for repair of suede and all types of footwear, the Quick Cobbler.

Check out our Polyvore and Facebook pages for more fun information and other notes. As always, if you would like a little help, we’re here for you.