plumlogoI’m guest posting for the next few weeks over at the ‘No Guru’ blog for Plum and we’re talking about how colour, body and personality style affect your clothing choices. I love what Plum is doing for their training program – they’re helping their staff increase their body of knowledge as well as putting a framework around their intuitive sense of style and what looks good on their customers. Their whole message is about dressing with purpose, which really resonates with me. This is a terrific collaboration between Plum and ICU, so I encourage you to click over to their blog to see what’s up with their program and how we’re working together to bring image principles to the Plum shopper to create a better shopping experience. Here are the first two links:

The next two posts will be on the body and elements of design reflected in clothing and then we’ll do a bit on personality style too. I hope you’ll enjoy what’s going on at their No Guru blog and I invite you to check out their main website as well at